St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

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Brook Road, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 5HL

020 8953 3753

St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Growing and learning together, as part of God’s family, to be the best we can be.

  1. Parents & Carers
  2. School Building Fund

School Building Fund

Our parents decide to send their children to a Catholic school because they know that their children will be educated in a Catholic environment and that the school will provide an excellent education.

As a Voluntary Aided School, this means that, although we are a state school, we can retain our traditions and organise the school on the basis of the teachings of the church. This means that the daily running costs of our school are met by the local authority, but we are required by law to raise 10% of the cost of developing and maintaining the upkeep of the exterior and fabric of the school building and for any new buildings.

The governors ask parents for help in raising funds for this purpose, in particular by contributing towards the School Building Fund. If we need to improve the school, undertake basic repairs or add extra   facilities, we need to find 10% of the cost ourselves. There is no choice in the matter. If the money is not raised, the work cannot be undertaken.

We gratefully receive regular donations from our parents, if you would like to set up a monthly standing order, please do so by completing the mandate and returning to your bank or by setting it up online.

We suggest a voluntary monthly payment depending on the number of children you have at school.                                                                                                                                                          

One child: £8 monthly or £96 yearly                                                                                              

Two children: £12 monthly or £144 yearly                                                                                                                             

Three or more children: £15 monthly or £180 yearly

You can also easily make a contribution via School Gateway, we gratefully accept one off donations, please click on 

Please watch the short video that explains what the contributions to the Building Fund have been previously used for and why we ask families to raise these donations for the school. 

Can you Gift Aid a contribution?

Yes. If you pay tax in the UK, you can add an extra 25% to your contribution with Gift Aid. For example, if you give £96 a year, that becomes £120 and it won’t cost you a penny extra. If you are a higher tax payer it’s even better because you can also get back some of the tax for yourself.

Please fill in the Gift Aid form to allow us to claim back the tax on your contributions.