Design and Technology
"He has made everything beautiful in its time."
- Ecclesiastes 3:11
Subject Leader: Mrs Serban
Supported by: SLT
Design and technology helps to prepare children for the developing world. It is our intent for the children to become creative problem-solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team.
Our aim is for the children to use their imagination and creativity to design and make a range of products, drawing on their mathematics, science, computing, and art knowledge.
In food technology lessons children will be given the opportunity to cook, understand the importance of nutrition and healthy eating as well as acquiring important life skills.
At St Teresa's, we follow ‘Kapow Primary’ scheme of work. Kapow Primary supports the national curriculum expectations and is designed to show development and progression of skills across the key stages.
Children will be given opportunities to work within the three principal areas of development.
- Investigative, disassembly and evaluative activities
- Focused Practical tasks
- Design and make assignments
The Key areas of learning focused upon through Kapow Primary are:
- Mechanisms
- Electrical systems
- Cooking
- Textiles
- Digital world
- Nutrition
Through these key areas the children have opportunities to create, explore, apply and problem solve.
Each unit of lessons includes teaching aids and visual instruction for pupils, to support both the teaching of skills and techniques, as well as pupils learning. Using Kapow, we aim to deliver lessons of a high standard and ensure pupil progression.
After the implementation of Kapow Primary’s DT scheme, pupils should leave primary school equipped with a range of techniques and the confidence and creativity to form a solid foundation for further learning at Key Stage 3 and beyond.
The expected impact is that children will:
- Understand purpose in design and making.
- Develop imaginative thinking.
- Talk about the mechanics of objects/products and model their ideas.
- Develop problem solving skills.
- Develop, refine, and apply skills.
- Be able think critically about their own and others work.
St Teresa's Art & Design and Design & Technology Curriculum Overview.pdf
KS1 St Teresa's Art & Design and Design & Technology Long Term Plan.pdf
LKS2 St Teresa's Art & Design and Design & Technology Long Term Plan.pdf
UKS2 St Teresa's Art & Design and Design & Technology Long Term Plan.pdf
St Teresa's Art & Design Progression of Skills.pdf